Discina perlata

Discina perlata, commonly known as "Pig's Ears" is a brown to tannish, wrinkled, cup- or ear-shaped fungus, sometimes with short, stout stalk. The spores of D. perlata are quite similar to those of mushrooms in the genus Gyromitra, so that some mycologists place it there. It is considered an edible however like with all mushrooms which are wild crafted must be not only properly identified, but also caution should be taken against possible accidental poisoning or allergic reactions.

Discina perlata

Discina perlata, commonly known as "Pig's Ears" is a brown to tannish, wrinkled, cup- or ear-shaped fungus, sometimes with short, stout stalk. The spores of D. perlata are quite similar to those of mushrooms in the genus Gyromitra, so that some mycologists place it there. It is considered an edible however like with all mushrooms which are wild crafted must be not only properly identified, but also caution should be taken against possible accidental poisoning or allergic reactions.