Discover Odin

Discover Odin is an album and booklet written by Julian Cope and released in a limited edition in 2001. It was produced in collaboration with the British Museum. It comprises a mixture of musical and spoken tracks. In the first track, "The 18 Charms of Odin", Cope provides musical accompaniment to the text of the epic Norse poem Hávamál, in Kevin Crossley-Holland's version, as published in The Norse Myths. Later tracks mix musical and spoken material on the subject of the Odin stone of Orkney, the neolithic hill of Silbury and the World Ash Tree, Yggdrasil.

Discover Odin

Discover Odin is an album and booklet written by Julian Cope and released in a limited edition in 2001. It was produced in collaboration with the British Museum. It comprises a mixture of musical and spoken tracks. In the first track, "The 18 Charms of Odin", Cope provides musical accompaniment to the text of the epic Norse poem Hávamál, in Kevin Crossley-Holland's version, as published in The Norse Myths. Later tracks mix musical and spoken material on the subject of the Odin stone of Orkney, the neolithic hill of Silbury and the World Ash Tree, Yggdrasil.