Dizzy bat

Dizzy bat (also known as Louisville slugger, D-bat, and The Spins) is a registered trademark of the company producing bats for the drinking game it got its name from. Dizzy bat is a game in which the participant chugs a full beer out of the holding end of a Wiffle ball bat. While the person is chugging, the surrounding participants count off in seconds how long it takes for the person to finish the full beer. The other players cannot stop shouting numbers until the batter turns the bat upside down to prove that every last drop has been consumed.

Dizzy bat

Dizzy bat (also known as Louisville slugger, D-bat, and The Spins) is a registered trademark of the company producing bats for the drinking game it got its name from. Dizzy bat is a game in which the participant chugs a full beer out of the holding end of a Wiffle ball bat. While the person is chugging, the surrounding participants count off in seconds how long it takes for the person to finish the full beer. The other players cannot stop shouting numbers until the batter turns the bat upside down to prove that every last drop has been consumed.