Dome of the Ascension

The Dome of the Ascension (Arabic: قبة المعراج‎‎ Qubbat al-Miraj; Hebrew: כִּיפָּת הַעֲלִיָּיה Kippat Ha'Aliyah) is a small, free-standing domed structure built by Crusaders that stands just north the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The structure and, notably, the column capitals are of Frankish style and construction, but some repair or renovation was done in or after the Ayyubid dynasty period.

Dome of the Ascension

The Dome of the Ascension (Arabic: قبة المعراج‎‎ Qubbat al-Miraj; Hebrew: כִּיפָּת הַעֲלִיָּיה Kippat Ha'Aliyah) is a small, free-standing domed structure built by Crusaders that stands just north the Dome of the Rock on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The structure and, notably, the column capitals are of Frankish style and construction, but some repair or renovation was done in or after the Ayyubid dynasty period.