Double dance

Double Dance, or Double Dance Alternative Publications, is a Canadian music webzine focusing on alternative music and lifestyle genres such as emo, indie, metal, hardcore, screamo, pop-punk, electronica, and ska. Articles vary by length, author, artist, and category. They generally post album reviews, conducted interviews, fashion and lifestyle articles, and photo galleries. The website was started April 10, 2009 in Duncan, British Columbia and has quickly gained traction with a younger demographic in Canada, the United States, and Brazil as a credible source for alternative music news.

Double dance

Double Dance, or Double Dance Alternative Publications, is a Canadian music webzine focusing on alternative music and lifestyle genres such as emo, indie, metal, hardcore, screamo, pop-punk, electronica, and ska. Articles vary by length, author, artist, and category. They generally post album reviews, conducted interviews, fashion and lifestyle articles, and photo galleries. The website was started April 10, 2009 in Duncan, British Columbia and has quickly gained traction with a younger demographic in Canada, the United States, and Brazil as a credible source for alternative music news.