Duct tape alert

The duct tape alert refers to the recommendations made by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on February 10, 2003, that Americans should prepare for a biological, chemical, or radiological terrorist attack by assembling a "disaster supply kit", including duct tape and plastic (presumably to attempt to seal one's home against nuclear, chemical, and biological contaminants), among other items. The recommendations came on the heels of an increase in the Department's official threat level to "orange", or "high risk", citing "recent intelligence reports".

Duct tape alert

The duct tape alert refers to the recommendations made by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on February 10, 2003, that Americans should prepare for a biological, chemical, or radiological terrorist attack by assembling a "disaster supply kit", including duct tape and plastic (presumably to attempt to seal one's home against nuclear, chemical, and biological contaminants), among other items. The recommendations came on the heels of an increase in the Department's official threat level to "orange", or "high risk", citing "recent intelligence reports".