Dull Knife Battlefield

The Dull Knife Battlefield is located on the eastern slope of the Bighorn Mountains in Johnson County, Wyoming near Kaycee. It was the scene of the Dull Knife Fight on November 25, 1876, in which the Fourth Cavalry under General Ranald S. Mackenzie raided a Cheyenne winter encampment, forcing the Cheyenne to surrender at agencies in the area in order to survive the winter. Five hundred ponies where captured and about 173 lodges destroyed. All the Indians where killed. The Dull Knife battlefield is on private land and is available to visit only by special arrangement. The fight took place on November 25, 1876.

Dull Knife Battlefield

The Dull Knife Battlefield is located on the eastern slope of the Bighorn Mountains in Johnson County, Wyoming near Kaycee. It was the scene of the Dull Knife Fight on November 25, 1876, in which the Fourth Cavalry under General Ranald S. Mackenzie raided a Cheyenne winter encampment, forcing the Cheyenne to surrender at agencies in the area in order to survive the winter. Five hundred ponies where captured and about 173 lodges destroyed. All the Indians where killed. The Dull Knife battlefield is on private land and is available to visit only by special arrangement. The fight took place on November 25, 1876.