Dynastic wealth

Dynastic wealth is monetary inheritance that is passed on to generations that didn't earn it. Warren Buffett has been quoted as saying "I don't believe in dynastic wealth." Another wealthy individual who has said he will not be handing his wealth down to his children is Sting, otherwise known as Gordon Sumner. In an interview with the Mail he stated "I certainly don't want to leave them trust funds that are albatrosses round their necks". Bill Gates uses the term in his article "Why Inequality Matters".

Dynastic wealth

Dynastic wealth is monetary inheritance that is passed on to generations that didn't earn it. Warren Buffett has been quoted as saying "I don't believe in dynastic wealth." Another wealthy individual who has said he will not be handing his wealth down to his children is Sting, otherwise known as Gordon Sumner. In an interview with the Mail he stated "I certainly don't want to leave them trust funds that are albatrosses round their necks". Bill Gates uses the term in his article "Why Inequality Matters".