Dyson's transform

Dyson's transform is a fundamental technique in additive number theory. It was developed by Freeman Dyson as part of his proof of Mann's theorem, is used to prove such fundamental results of Additive Number Theory as the Cauchy-Davenport theorem, and was used by Olivier Ramaré in his work on the Goldbach conjecture that proved that every even integer is the sum of at most 6 primes. The term Dyson's transform for this technique is used by Ramaré. Halberstam and Roth call it the τ-transformation. and and . The transformed sequences have the properties: * * * *

Dyson's transform

Dyson's transform is a fundamental technique in additive number theory. It was developed by Freeman Dyson as part of his proof of Mann's theorem, is used to prove such fundamental results of Additive Number Theory as the Cauchy-Davenport theorem, and was used by Olivier Ramaré in his work on the Goldbach conjecture that proved that every even integer is the sum of at most 6 primes. The term Dyson's transform for this technique is used by Ramaré. Halberstam and Roth call it the τ-transformation. and and . The transformed sequences have the properties: * * * *