Earth Journalism Network

Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is an Internews and Internews Europe project dedicated to the empowerment of environmental journalists from developing countries around the world. Internews is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard. Through training workshops, the development of training and reference materials, broader platforms for production and distribution, and the dispersion of small grants, EJN has worked to establish and strengthen networks of environmental journalists since its founding in 2006. EJN’s members are thousands of journalists from 70 countries around the world. Together, they have produced over 3,500 stori

Earth Journalism Network

Earth Journalism Network (EJN) is an Internews and Internews Europe project dedicated to the empowerment of environmental journalists from developing countries around the world. Internews is an international non-profit organization whose mission is to empower local media worldwide to give people the news and information they need, the ability to connect, and the means to make their voices heard. Through training workshops, the development of training and reference materials, broader platforms for production and distribution, and the dispersion of small grants, EJN has worked to establish and strengthen networks of environmental journalists since its founding in 2006. EJN’s members are thousands of journalists from 70 countries around the world. Together, they have produced over 3,500 stori