Education in Dubai

Education in Dubai encompasses the many levels of primary, secondary and collegiate education catering to various ethnic and linguistic groups. The school system in Dubai does not differ from education in the United Arab Emirates. There are many public and private schools serving Emiratis and expatriates. The Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates is responsible for accreditation of schools. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) was established in 2006 to develop education and human resource sectors in Dubai, and license educational institutes.

Education in Dubai

Education in Dubai encompasses the many levels of primary, secondary and collegiate education catering to various ethnic and linguistic groups. The school system in Dubai does not differ from education in the United Arab Emirates. There are many public and private schools serving Emiratis and expatriates. The Ministry of Education of the United Arab Emirates is responsible for accreditation of schools. The Knowledge and Human Development Authority (KHDA) was established in 2006 to develop education and human resource sectors in Dubai, and license educational institutes.