Ellwangen witch trial

The Ellwangen witch trial took place in the Catholic Prince Bishopric of Ellwangen between 1611 and 1618. It was preceded by a first witch trial in 1588. The first witch trial led to the death of 17/20 people, and the second led to the death of 430, making the number of deaths to about 450 in total. The Ellwangen witch trial was later used as a role model for the great Bamberg witch trials, the Würzburg witch trial and the Eichstätt witch trial, which followed in the 1620s.

Ellwangen witch trial

The Ellwangen witch trial took place in the Catholic Prince Bishopric of Ellwangen between 1611 and 1618. It was preceded by a first witch trial in 1588. The first witch trial led to the death of 17/20 people, and the second led to the death of 430, making the number of deaths to about 450 in total. The Ellwangen witch trial was later used as a role model for the great Bamberg witch trials, the Würzburg witch trial and the Eichstätt witch trial, which followed in the 1620s.