Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents

The Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents are a group of hydrothermal vents in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, located 250 km (155 mi) southwest of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. This group of hydrothermal vents lies 2,250 m (7,382 ft) below sea level in an area where the Pacific Ocean seabed is being pulled apart called the Endeavour Segment, which forms part of a larger spreading area called the Juan de Fuca Ridge.

Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents

The Endeavour Hydrothermal Vents are a group of hydrothermal vents in the northeastern Pacific Ocean, located 250 km (155 mi) southwest of Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada. This group of hydrothermal vents lies 2,250 m (7,382 ft) below sea level in an area where the Pacific Ocean seabed is being pulled apart called the Endeavour Segment, which forms part of a larger spreading area called the Juan de Fuca Ridge.