Erotic cake

An erotic cake is a cake which, while typically using the ingredients of other dessert cakes, is frosted and shaped to represent sexual parts, acts and organs. Often sexually-related greetings and expressions are written on the surface with icing. The cakes are most often baked and prepared by a retailer who specializes in the style, and are presented to an individual during a festivity limited to adults, such as a bachelor party or a birthday party.

Erotic cake

An erotic cake is a cake which, while typically using the ingredients of other dessert cakes, is frosted and shaped to represent sexual parts, acts and organs. Often sexually-related greetings and expressions are written on the surface with icing. The cakes are most often baked and prepared by a retailer who specializes in the style, and are presented to an individual during a festivity limited to adults, such as a bachelor party or a birthday party.