European route E29

European route E 29 is a series of roads in Europe, part of the United Nations International E-road network. It runs from Cologne, Germany through Luxembourg, through Germany again, and finishing at Sarreguemines, France. Firstly it leaves Cologne, where it links with the E 31, the E 35, the E 37 and the E 40. It then heads south and crosses into Luxembourg, and into Luxembourg City, where more links are made to the E 25, the E 44 and the E 125. It then re-enters Germany, more specifically the Saarland, running through the city of Saarbrücken, where it links with the E 50 and the E 422.

European route E29

European route E 29 is a series of roads in Europe, part of the United Nations International E-road network. It runs from Cologne, Germany through Luxembourg, through Germany again, and finishing at Sarreguemines, France. Firstly it leaves Cologne, where it links with the E 31, the E 35, the E 37 and the E 40. It then heads south and crosses into Luxembourg, and into Luxembourg City, where more links are made to the E 25, the E 44 and the E 125. It then re-enters Germany, more specifically the Saarland, running through the city of Saarbrücken, where it links with the E 50 and the E 422.