First Prudential Markets

First Prudential Markets, commonly known as "FPM" or "FPMarkets" is an Australian-based investment company that provides over-the-counter (OTC) and exchange traded derivative products including direct market access (DMA) Contracts-For-Difference (CFDs), foreign exchange (Forex) and global futures contracts to its retail and professional client base. In December 2007 FPM became a member of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and introduced the world’s first exchange traded Contracts for Difference (ASX CFDs) to its product listing.

First Prudential Markets

First Prudential Markets, commonly known as "FPM" or "FPMarkets" is an Australian-based investment company that provides over-the-counter (OTC) and exchange traded derivative products including direct market access (DMA) Contracts-For-Difference (CFDs), foreign exchange (Forex) and global futures contracts to its retail and professional client base. In December 2007 FPM became a member of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) and introduced the world’s first exchange traded Contracts for Difference (ASX CFDs) to its product listing.