
"Fizbo" is the ninth episode of the first season of the American sitcom, Modern Family and the ninth episode of the series overall. It originally premiered on ABC in the United States on November 25, 2009. The episode was written by Brad Walsh & Paul Corrigan and directed by Jason Winer. "Fizbo" has received positive reviews from critics with many naming it the best episode up to that point. Despite this, "Fizbo" was viewed by 7.12 million households becoming the lowest rated episode of the series, low ratings some attribute to airing the night before Thanksgiving.


"Fizbo" is the ninth episode of the first season of the American sitcom, Modern Family and the ninth episode of the series overall. It originally premiered on ABC in the United States on November 25, 2009. The episode was written by Brad Walsh & Paul Corrigan and directed by Jason Winer. "Fizbo" has received positive reviews from critics with many naming it the best episode up to that point. Despite this, "Fizbo" was viewed by 7.12 million households becoming the lowest rated episode of the series, low ratings some attribute to airing the night before Thanksgiving.