Fomm ir-Riħ

Fomm ir-Riħ (meaning mouth of the wind in Maltese), is a small bay in the limits of Mġarr on the western side of the island of Malta. The area is characterised by the a fault line which creates an interesting landscape with vertical cliffs and a pebble beach. There is also an unusual syncline behind the beach. The Bay and headlands form perhaps the most stunning scenic views and varied geology on the islands of Malta. The area is also famous for its Maltese freshwater crab that makes its home high above the Bay and the sea.

Fomm ir-Riħ

Fomm ir-Riħ (meaning mouth of the wind in Maltese), is a small bay in the limits of Mġarr on the western side of the island of Malta. The area is characterised by the a fault line which creates an interesting landscape with vertical cliffs and a pebble beach. There is also an unusual syncline behind the beach. The Bay and headlands form perhaps the most stunning scenic views and varied geology on the islands of Malta. The area is also famous for its Maltese freshwater crab that makes its home high above the Bay and the sea.