Fort Miami (Ohio)

Fort Miami was a fort built on the Maumee River at the eastern edge of the present-day city of Maumee, Ohio, and southwest of the present-day city of Toledo, Ohio. It was built by the British on United States territory: the terms of the Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolutionary War clearly assigned the territory to the United States, but the British refused to evacuate their forces from the West, claiming that the USA had failed to comply with the terms relating, e.g., to compensating Loyalists for their loss of property and permitting their return unmolested, paying debts to British merchants, etc. (These and related disputes were settled by the Jay Treaty.)In 1794 the British built Fort Miami (Miamis) to block Gen. Anthony Wayne's advance on Detroit and to encourage the Ohio

Fort Miami (Ohio)

Fort Miami was a fort built on the Maumee River at the eastern edge of the present-day city of Maumee, Ohio, and southwest of the present-day city of Toledo, Ohio. It was built by the British on United States territory: the terms of the Treaty of Paris that ended the American Revolutionary War clearly assigned the territory to the United States, but the British refused to evacuate their forces from the West, claiming that the USA had failed to comply with the terms relating, e.g., to compensating Loyalists for their loss of property and permitting their return unmolested, paying debts to British merchants, etc. (These and related disputes were settled by the Jay Treaty.)In 1794 the British built Fort Miami (Miamis) to block Gen. Anthony Wayne's advance on Detroit and to encourage the Ohio