Fuegian steamer duck

The Fuegian steamer duck (Tachyeres pteneres), also called the Magellanic flightless steamer duck, is a flightless duck from South America. It belongs to the steamer duck genus Tachyeres. It inhabits the rocky coasts and coastal islands from southern Chile and Chiloé to Tierra del Fuego, switching to the adjacent sheltered bays and lakes further inland when breeding.

Fuegian steamer duck

The Fuegian steamer duck (Tachyeres pteneres), also called the Magellanic flightless steamer duck, is a flightless duck from South America. It belongs to the steamer duck genus Tachyeres. It inhabits the rocky coasts and coastal islands from southern Chile and Chiloé to Tierra del Fuego, switching to the adjacent sheltered bays and lakes further inland when breeding.