GC Rieber

GC Rieber is a private company that operates within the fields of real estate, shipping and industry. The company is based in Bergen, Norway. Operations are performed by the subsidiaries GC Rieber Shipping AS, GC Rieber Skinn AS, GC Rieber Salt AS, GC Rieber Oils, GC Rieber Compact AS and GC Rieber Eiendom AS. The company's CEO, Paul-Christian Rieber, is a former president of the main representative body for Norwegian employers, the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise.

GC Rieber

GC Rieber is a private company that operates within the fields of real estate, shipping and industry. The company is based in Bergen, Norway. Operations are performed by the subsidiaries GC Rieber Shipping AS, GC Rieber Skinn AS, GC Rieber Salt AS, GC Rieber Oils, GC Rieber Compact AS and GC Rieber Eiendom AS. The company's CEO, Paul-Christian Rieber, is a former president of the main representative body for Norwegian employers, the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise.