GYP (software)

GYP (Generate Your Projects) is a build automation tool. GYP is created by Google to generate native IDE project files (such as Visual Studio and Xcode) for building the Chromium web browser and is licensed as open source software using the BSD software license. The functionality of GYP is similar to the CMake build tool. GYP processes a file that contains a JSON dictionary in order to generate one or more target project make files. The single source .GYP file is generic while the target files are specific to each targeted build tool.

GYP (software)

GYP (Generate Your Projects) is a build automation tool. GYP is created by Google to generate native IDE project files (such as Visual Studio and Xcode) for building the Chromium web browser and is licensed as open source software using the BSD software license. The functionality of GYP is similar to the CMake build tool. GYP processes a file that contains a JSON dictionary in order to generate one or more target project make files. The single source .GYP file is generic while the target files are specific to each targeted build tool.