G vs E

G vs E (later retitled Good vs. Evil) is an American fantasy-based television action series that had its first season air on USA Network during the summer and autumn of 1999. For the second season the series switched to Sci-Fi Channel in early 2000. The series stars Clayton Rohner, Richard Brooks and Marshall Bell. G vs E pitted a group of agents who are assigned to "the Corps", a secret agency under the command of Heaven, against the "Morlocks", a group of evildoers from Hell.

G vs E

G vs E (later retitled Good vs. Evil) is an American fantasy-based television action series that had its first season air on USA Network during the summer and autumn of 1999. For the second season the series switched to Sci-Fi Channel in early 2000. The series stars Clayton Rohner, Richard Brooks and Marshall Bell. G vs E pitted a group of agents who are assigned to "the Corps", a secret agency under the command of Heaven, against the "Morlocks", a group of evildoers from Hell.