
Galvatron is a name adopted by several fictional characters in the Transformers franchise. He is usually the recreated form of Megatron, the Decepticon leader; however, it has been used for separate and unrelated characters, most notably the main villain of the anime series Beast Wars II (who was not a former Megatron, but instead an unrelated Predacon), and the character from the more recent IDW Publishing G1 series (in which he was an ancient Cybertronian from the Dead Universe).


Galvatron is a name adopted by several fictional characters in the Transformers franchise. He is usually the recreated form of Megatron, the Decepticon leader; however, it has been used for separate and unrelated characters, most notably the main villain of the anime series Beast Wars II (who was not a former Megatron, but instead an unrelated Predacon), and the character from the more recent IDW Publishing G1 series (in which he was an ancient Cybertronian from the Dead Universe).