Gansu Uyghur Kingdom

The Gansu Uyghur Kingdom was established around 848, by the Uyghurs after the fall of the Uyghur Khaganate in 840. The kingdom lasted from 848-1036; during that time, many of Gansu's residents converted to Buddhism. The Gansu area was, traditionally, a Chinese inroad into Asia. By the ninth century the Uyghurs had come to dominate the area, taking over from the Tibetan Empire. The area had become a "commercially critical region", making the Uyghur wealthy and cosmopolitan. By the early 11th century, they were in turn conquered by the Tangut people of the Western Xia Dynasty.

Gansu Uyghur Kingdom

The Gansu Uyghur Kingdom was established around 848, by the Uyghurs after the fall of the Uyghur Khaganate in 840. The kingdom lasted from 848-1036; during that time, many of Gansu's residents converted to Buddhism. The Gansu area was, traditionally, a Chinese inroad into Asia. By the ninth century the Uyghurs had come to dominate the area, taking over from the Tibetan Empire. The area had become a "commercially critical region", making the Uyghur wealthy and cosmopolitan. By the early 11th century, they were in turn conquered by the Tangut people of the Western Xia Dynasty.