Gianluca Miniaci

Gianluca Miniaci is an Italian Egyptologist. He studied Egyptology at the University of Pisa and is Deputy-director of the University of Pisa excavation at Thebes, at the cemetery of Dra Abu el-Naga. He studied from 1999 to 2004 Classical Archaeology and wrote his dissertation on the "The royal necropolis of the 17th dynasty at Dra Abu el-Naga (Thebes west)". This work received an honor. In 2008 he finished his PhD in Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Pisa, titled "The funerary culture at the end of the Second Intermediate Period: the emergence of the rishi coffin style". Miniaci is the author of several books and articles, among them: Rishi Coffins and the funerary culture of Second Intermediate Period Egypt, Seven Seasons at Dra Abu el-Naga. The tomb of Huy (TT 14): preliminary r

Gianluca Miniaci

Gianluca Miniaci is an Italian Egyptologist. He studied Egyptology at the University of Pisa and is Deputy-director of the University of Pisa excavation at Thebes, at the cemetery of Dra Abu el-Naga. He studied from 1999 to 2004 Classical Archaeology and wrote his dissertation on the "The royal necropolis of the 17th dynasty at Dra Abu el-Naga (Thebes west)". This work received an honor. In 2008 he finished his PhD in Egyptian Archaeology at the University of Pisa, titled "The funerary culture at the end of the Second Intermediate Period: the emergence of the rishi coffin style". Miniaci is the author of several books and articles, among them: Rishi Coffins and the funerary culture of Second Intermediate Period Egypt, Seven Seasons at Dra Abu el-Naga. The tomb of Huy (TT 14): preliminary r