Gleichenia polypodioides

Gleichenia polypodioides (L.) Sm., commonly known as Coral fern, Kystervaring ('kyster' meaning 'coastal' and of possible Scandinavian derivation) or Ystervaring (meaning 'iron fern' in Afrikaans) due of its glabrous, brown, wiry stipes. The species is widespread in south- and east tropical Africa, southern Africa and the western Indian Ocean region. It occurs naturally in a broad coastal belt in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Angola, Malawi, Burundi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Réunion, Amsterdam Island and Madagascar, and was first described by Linnaeus in 1771 under the name Onoclea polypodioides. Often forming dense and impenetrable thickets, sometimes over large areas, this rhizomatous perennial is an important pioneer in disturbed areas such as pine plantations. It

Gleichenia polypodioides

Gleichenia polypodioides (L.) Sm., commonly known as Coral fern, Kystervaring ('kyster' meaning 'coastal' and of possible Scandinavian derivation) or Ystervaring (meaning 'iron fern' in Afrikaans) due of its glabrous, brown, wiry stipes. The species is widespread in south- and east tropical Africa, southern Africa and the western Indian Ocean region. It occurs naturally in a broad coastal belt in South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland, Angola, Malawi, Burundi, Tanzania, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Mauritius, Réunion, Amsterdam Island and Madagascar, and was first described by Linnaeus in 1771 under the name Onoclea polypodioides. Often forming dense and impenetrable thickets, sometimes over large areas, this rhizomatous perennial is an important pioneer in disturbed areas such as pine plantations. It