Golden-throated barbet

The golden-throated barbet (Psilopogon franklinii) is an Asian barbet. Barbets are a group of near passerine birds with a worldwide tropical distribution. They get their name from the bristles which fringe their heavy bills. The golden-throated barbet is a resident breeder in the hills from northeast India east to southwestern China, Malaysia and Vietnam. It is a species of broadleaf evergreen forest from 900–2565 m altitude. It nests in a tree hole. The male’s territorial call is a very loud pukwowk.

Golden-throated barbet

The golden-throated barbet (Psilopogon franklinii) is an Asian barbet. Barbets are a group of near passerine birds with a worldwide tropical distribution. They get their name from the bristles which fringe their heavy bills. The golden-throated barbet is a resident breeder in the hills from northeast India east to southwestern China, Malaysia and Vietnam. It is a species of broadleaf evergreen forest from 900–2565 m altitude. It nests in a tree hole. The male’s territorial call is a very loud pukwowk.