Golden Resources Mall

Golden Resources Shopping Mall, or Jin Yuan (abbreviated from Chinese: 金源时代购物中心) is a shopping mall located near the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing, People's Republic of China. It is right beside Line 10's Changchunqiao Station of the Beijing Subway. In English, the mall has earned the nickname "Great Mall of China", owing to its total area of 560,000 square metres (6 million square feet) over six floors. At 1.5 times the size of the Mall of America, Golden Resources Mall was the world's largest shopping mall from 2004 to 2005. A writer for the China Business Review observed:

Golden Resources Mall

Golden Resources Shopping Mall, or Jin Yuan (abbreviated from Chinese: 金源时代购物中心) is a shopping mall located near the Fourth Ring Road in Beijing, People's Republic of China. It is right beside Line 10's Changchunqiao Station of the Beijing Subway. In English, the mall has earned the nickname "Great Mall of China", owing to its total area of 560,000 square metres (6 million square feet) over six floors. At 1.5 times the size of the Mall of America, Golden Resources Mall was the world's largest shopping mall from 2004 to 2005. A writer for the China Business Review observed: