Good Design Award (Chicago)

The Good Design Awards is an industrial design program organized annually by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, in cooperation with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies. Entries for design and innovation, sustainability, creativity, branding, ecologically responsible design, human factors, materials, technology, graphic arts, packaging, and universal design are submitted annually by various industrial design and graphic design firms working for the Fortune 500 companies. All products and graphics must be designed, in production or manufactured for at least 2 years before the contest title year. One of the main factors for the awards selection is based on whether or not a product can enrich society and people's lives through its design. F

Good Design Award (Chicago)

The Good Design Awards is an industrial design program organized annually by the Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design, in cooperation with the European Centre for Architecture, Art, Design and Urban Studies. Entries for design and innovation, sustainability, creativity, branding, ecologically responsible design, human factors, materials, technology, graphic arts, packaging, and universal design are submitted annually by various industrial design and graphic design firms working for the Fortune 500 companies. All products and graphics must be designed, in production or manufactured for at least 2 years before the contest title year. One of the main factors for the awards selection is based on whether or not a product can enrich society and people's lives through its design. F