Grand Synagogue of Aden

The Grand synagogue of Aden (Arabic: كنيس عدن الكبير‎‎ Al-Milama’l-kabira), also known as Shield of Avraham Synagogue or "Magen Avraham", was built in 1858. It was large enough to house over 2,000 worshipers. The pulpit was made of marble – pure, white and polished, with 7 marble steps leading up to it. The floor was made of marble sections, patterned black and white as on a chess board. The ark was built into the wall pile or stack, and covered by six curtains woven with silk and interwoven with gleaming sapphires, above them the crowns of the torah. The torah scrolls were adorned with crowns and pomegranates, some of them gold, and some of them pure refined silver.The two tablets of the 10 commandments on both sides of the doors were made of polished silver. The huge ceiling was supporte

Grand Synagogue of Aden

The Grand synagogue of Aden (Arabic: كنيس عدن الكبير‎‎ Al-Milama’l-kabira), also known as Shield of Avraham Synagogue or "Magen Avraham", was built in 1858. It was large enough to house over 2,000 worshipers. The pulpit was made of marble – pure, white and polished, with 7 marble steps leading up to it. The floor was made of marble sections, patterned black and white as on a chess board. The ark was built into the wall pile or stack, and covered by six curtains woven with silk and interwoven with gleaming sapphires, above them the crowns of the torah. The torah scrolls were adorned with crowns and pomegranates, some of them gold, and some of them pure refined silver.The two tablets of the 10 commandments on both sides of the doors were made of polished silver. The huge ceiling was supporte