Graphium kirbyi

Graphium kirbyi, the Kirby's swordtail, is a butterfly in the family Papilionidae. It is found along the coast of Kenya and from the coast of Tanzania, inland to Morogoro. The habitat consists of coastal forests. Adults of both sexes visit flowers and males are known to mud-puddle. Adults are on wing from September to November. The larvae feed on Annona senegalensis and Uvaria species.

Graphium kirbyi

Graphium kirbyi, the Kirby's swordtail, is a butterfly in the family Papilionidae. It is found along the coast of Kenya and from the coast of Tanzania, inland to Morogoro. The habitat consists of coastal forests. Adults of both sexes visit flowers and males are known to mud-puddle. Adults are on wing from September to November. The larvae feed on Annona senegalensis and Uvaria species.