Green Infra

This company operates under portfolio of Wind, Solar, Hydro, Biomass and Energy Efficiency and currently operating in the states of Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat in India. Company has wind operating asset of 406 MW, has recently commissioned its first Solar project in the Rajkot district of Gujarat in India of 10 MW. This 10 MW project is expected to generate 16 Million units annually and expects to save 12,000 tonnes of carbon emissions.

Green Infra

This company operates under portfolio of Wind, Solar, Hydro, Biomass and Energy Efficiency and currently operating in the states of Tamil Nadu, Rajasthan, Karnataka, Maharashtra and Gujarat in India. Company has wind operating asset of 406 MW, has recently commissioned its first Solar project in the Rajkot district of Gujarat in India of 10 MW. This 10 MW project is expected to generate 16 Million units annually and expects to save 12,000 tonnes of carbon emissions.