HD 117939

HD 117939 is a Sun-like star 98 light years (30.23 parsecs) from the Sun. HD 117939 is a G-type star and a near solar twin, It is much old than the sun at 6.1 billion years, compared to the sun at 4.6 billion years old. At 6.1 billion years old, HD 117939 has pasted its stable burning stage. HD 117939 is found between the constellations of Scorpius. HD 117939 has a brightness - apparent magnitude of 7.291.

HD 117939

HD 117939 is a Sun-like star 98 light years (30.23 parsecs) from the Sun. HD 117939 is a G-type star and a near solar twin, It is much old than the sun at 6.1 billion years, compared to the sun at 4.6 billion years old. At 6.1 billion years old, HD 117939 has pasted its stable burning stage. HD 117939 is found between the constellations of Scorpius. HD 117939 has a brightness - apparent magnitude of 7.291.