Hell Songs

Hell Songs is Daughters' second full-length. It was released on August 8, 2006 on Hydra Head Records. Surprisingly, due to the change in the band's style, as well as help from members of the band Kayo Dot, Daughters were able to double the length of their previous recording, and end up with an album length of 23:13. The album sees Daughters changing their style musically as well as vocally; there is no screaming whatsoever, with Alexis Marshall using a vocal style that could be described as "The sound of Elvis Presley being tortured".

Hell Songs

Hell Songs is Daughters' second full-length. It was released on August 8, 2006 on Hydra Head Records. Surprisingly, due to the change in the band's style, as well as help from members of the band Kayo Dot, Daughters were able to double the length of their previous recording, and end up with an album length of 23:13. The album sees Daughters changing their style musically as well as vocally; there is no screaming whatsoever, with Alexis Marshall using a vocal style that could be described as "The sound of Elvis Presley being tortured".