Hexham Racecourse

Hexham Racecourse is a thoroughbred horse racing track located in Hexham, Northumberland, England. Situated 800 feet above sea level at High Yarridge, just south of the town, the course is a left-handed circuit of about one and a half miles with a short uphill climb on the approach to the finishing straight and a run-in of 250 yards. The run in is perfectly flat with zero gradient. When approaching the last fence the last 60 yards is slightly downhill.Hexham is a National Hunt course with ten fences for the steeplechasers to negotiate. Its principal race is the Heart of All England Hunter Chase.

Hexham Racecourse

Hexham Racecourse is a thoroughbred horse racing track located in Hexham, Northumberland, England. Situated 800 feet above sea level at High Yarridge, just south of the town, the course is a left-handed circuit of about one and a half miles with a short uphill climb on the approach to the finishing straight and a run-in of 250 yards. The run in is perfectly flat with zero gradient. When approaching the last fence the last 60 yards is slightly downhill.Hexham is a National Hunt course with ten fences for the steeplechasers to negotiate. Its principal race is the Heart of All England Hunter Chase.