Hinge Studios

Hinge Studios was initially a premiere recording and mixing facility located in Chicago, Illinois and home to Grammy winning producer/mixer Craig Bauer. Opened by Bauer in 1993, the studio was a pioneer in ushering in the world of digital recording with one of the country’s first Euphonix CSII digitally controlled recording consoles and the very first Otari RADAR 48 track hard disk recording system. Hinge Studios Chicago was once dubbed “Kanye West’s fortress of solitude in the late ‘90s” by MTVNews.

Hinge Studios

Hinge Studios was initially a premiere recording and mixing facility located in Chicago, Illinois and home to Grammy winning producer/mixer Craig Bauer. Opened by Bauer in 1993, the studio was a pioneer in ushering in the world of digital recording with one of the country’s first Euphonix CSII digitally controlled recording consoles and the very first Otari RADAR 48 track hard disk recording system. Hinge Studios Chicago was once dubbed “Kanye West’s fortress of solitude in the late ‘90s” by MTVNews.