
Hjernevask ("Brainwash") is a Norwegian science documentary miniseries that aired on NRK1 in 2010. The series, consisting of seven episodes, was created and presented by the comedian and sociologist Harald Eia. Each episode featured Eia interviewing Norwegian social scientists about their theories of gender and social constructionism, and then confronting them with contrary data and testimony he had obtained from experts in other fields, such as biology and evolutionary psychology. Experts interviewed for the series included Simon Baron-Cohen, Steven Pinker, Simon LeVay, David Buss, Glenn Wilson, and Anne Campbell. The documentary caused embarrassment for the Norwegian social scientists and generated much public debate in Norway. The entire series has since been released online.


Hjernevask ("Brainwash") is a Norwegian science documentary miniseries that aired on NRK1 in 2010. The series, consisting of seven episodes, was created and presented by the comedian and sociologist Harald Eia. Each episode featured Eia interviewing Norwegian social scientists about their theories of gender and social constructionism, and then confronting them with contrary data and testimony he had obtained from experts in other fields, such as biology and evolutionary psychology. Experts interviewed for the series included Simon Baron-Cohen, Steven Pinker, Simon LeVay, David Buss, Glenn Wilson, and Anne Campbell. The documentary caused embarrassment for the Norwegian social scientists and generated much public debate in Norway. The entire series has since been released online.