Hora Sara

Hora Sara is an ancient treatise on the predictive part of Hindu astrology; it is written in Sanskrit Sloka – format. Its author, Prithuyasas, was the son of Varahamihira (505–587 CE) who at certain places even contradicts his father; for example, in respect of Vihaga yoga, a Nabhasa yoga, that arises when all planets occupy the 4th and the 10th, he has assigned auspicious results. Hora Sara is deemed to be one of the best classics on predictive astrology that was given due important representation in Hora Ratna of Bala Bhadra authored during the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan "Just as Varaha is a synonym of astrology, his son, Prithuyasas, occupies the zenith in the astrology’s world through his master piece, Hora Sara".

Hora Sara

Hora Sara is an ancient treatise on the predictive part of Hindu astrology; it is written in Sanskrit Sloka – format. Its author, Prithuyasas, was the son of Varahamihira (505–587 CE) who at certain places even contradicts his father; for example, in respect of Vihaga yoga, a Nabhasa yoga, that arises when all planets occupy the 4th and the 10th, he has assigned auspicious results. Hora Sara is deemed to be one of the best classics on predictive astrology that was given due important representation in Hora Ratna of Bala Bhadra authored during the reign of Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan "Just as Varaha is a synonym of astrology, his son, Prithuyasas, occupies the zenith in the astrology’s world through his master piece, Hora Sara".