How Far to Asgaard

How Far to Asgaard is the first full-length album by the Faroese Heavy Metal band Týr. It was released in January 2002 by Tutl. "Ormurin Langi" is a metal version of the traditional Faroese song. A video for the song was also recorded in Iceland. The song "How Far to Asgaard" is 8:59 in length, followed by 9:50 of silence. At 18:49 there is the Faroese poem "Nornagest Ríma" chanted by a group and accompanied by rhythmic stamping.

How Far to Asgaard

How Far to Asgaard is the first full-length album by the Faroese Heavy Metal band Týr. It was released in January 2002 by Tutl. "Ormurin Langi" is a metal version of the traditional Faroese song. A video for the song was also recorded in Iceland. The song "How Far to Asgaard" is 8:59 in length, followed by 9:50 of silence. At 18:49 there is the Faroese poem "Nornagest Ríma" chanted by a group and accompanied by rhythmic stamping.