
ht://Dig is a free software indexing and searching system created in 1995 by Andrew Scherpbier while he was employed at San Diego State University. It can provide a search engine for a single website. It includes three groups of files: a set of tools for indexing, a set of tools for searching, and a set of HTML files for building the user interface to access the search engine. ht://Dig works differently from most search engines as most engines use a two-step process, building an index and searching it. ht://Dig indexes pages in full, then processes the pages into a searchable form later using soundex and metaphone. ht://Dig also stores fuzzy match information instead of using a dynamic algorithm. At one time, over 500 organizations used ht://Dig to index sites they owned. Notable sites inc


ht://Dig is a free software indexing and searching system created in 1995 by Andrew Scherpbier while he was employed at San Diego State University. It can provide a search engine for a single website. It includes three groups of files: a set of tools for indexing, a set of tools for searching, and a set of HTML files for building the user interface to access the search engine. ht://Dig works differently from most search engines as most engines use a two-step process, building an index and searching it. ht://Dig indexes pages in full, then processes the pages into a searchable form later using soundex and metaphone. ht://Dig also stores fuzzy match information instead of using a dynamic algorithm. At one time, over 500 organizations used ht://Dig to index sites they owned. Notable sites inc