Hulsea mexicana

Hulsea mexicana, the Mexican alpinegold or Mexican hulsea is a rare North American species of flowering plant in the daisy family It has been found only in a small region straddling the border between Mexico and the United States. It grows in northern Baja California and in southern California (Imperial County and San Diego County). It grows in chaparral, yellow pine forests, and open habitats between 3,000–9,000 feet (910–2,740 m) in elevation. Indeed, the first botanical specimens collected were from the Mexican side of the border.

Hulsea mexicana

Hulsea mexicana, the Mexican alpinegold or Mexican hulsea is a rare North American species of flowering plant in the daisy family It has been found only in a small region straddling the border between Mexico and the United States. It grows in northern Baja California and in southern California (Imperial County and San Diego County). It grows in chaparral, yellow pine forests, and open habitats between 3,000–9,000 feet (910–2,740 m) in elevation. Indeed, the first botanical specimens collected were from the Mexican side of the border.