Human Flesh

"Human Flesh" is the pilot episode of the animated television series Bob's Burgers. "Human Flesh" originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on January 9, 2011. The episode was written by Loren Bouchard and Jim Dauterive, and directed by Anthony Chun. According to Nielsen ratings, it was viewed in 9.41 million homes in its original airing, making it the most viewed episode of the series. The episode featured guest performances by Andy Kindler, Ron Lynch, and Sam Seder.

Human Flesh

"Human Flesh" is the pilot episode of the animated television series Bob's Burgers. "Human Flesh" originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on January 9, 2011. The episode was written by Loren Bouchard and Jim Dauterive, and directed by Anthony Chun. According to Nielsen ratings, it was viewed in 9.41 million homes in its original airing, making it the most viewed episode of the series. The episode featured guest performances by Andy Kindler, Ron Lynch, and Sam Seder.