
HyperBlade is an action video game, depicting a futuristic sport in a futuristic world. The sport is a mutated version of hockey, played in an egg-shaped arena rather than on a flat field or rink, which is loaded with weapons and deadly traps. It was released by Wizbang! Software Productions in collaboration with Activision in 1996 for Windows 95, and serious graphics bugs are common in later operating systems. The game was to be released for the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn video game consoles as well, but was canceled months before its release.


HyperBlade is an action video game, depicting a futuristic sport in a futuristic world. The sport is a mutated version of hockey, played in an egg-shaped arena rather than on a flat field or rink, which is loaded with weapons and deadly traps. It was released by Wizbang! Software Productions in collaboration with Activision in 1996 for Windows 95, and serious graphics bugs are common in later operating systems. The game was to be released for the Sony PlayStation and Sega Saturn video game consoles as well, but was canceled months before its release.