IC 883

IC 883 (also known as Arp 193, IRAS 13183+3423, PGC 46560 and UGC 8387) is an irregular galaxy that is about 321 million light years away from Earth. It is located in the constellation Coma Berenices. Its largest radius is 1.4 (131 thousand light years), and smallest 0.7 angular minutes (65 thousand light years). It was discovered by Rudolf Ferdinand Spitaler on May 1 1891.

IC 883

IC 883 (also known as Arp 193, IRAS 13183+3423, PGC 46560 and UGC 8387) is an irregular galaxy that is about 321 million light years away from Earth. It is located in the constellation Coma Berenices. Its largest radius is 1.4 (131 thousand light years), and smallest 0.7 angular minutes (65 thousand light years). It was discovered by Rudolf Ferdinand Spitaler on May 1 1891.