INT 13h is shorthand for BIOS interrupt call 13hex, the 20th interrupt vector in an x86-based computer system. The BIOS typically sets up a real mode interrupt handler at this vector that provides sector-based hard disk and floppy disk read and write services using cylinder-head-sector (CHS) addressing. INT is an x86 instruction that triggers a software interrupt, and 13hex is the interrupt number (as a hexadecimal value) being called.


INT 13h is shorthand for BIOS interrupt call 13hex, the 20th interrupt vector in an x86-based computer system. The BIOS typically sets up a real mode interrupt handler at this vector that provides sector-based hard disk and floppy disk read and write services using cylinder-head-sector (CHS) addressing. INT is an x86 instruction that triggers a software interrupt, and 13hex is the interrupt number (as a hexadecimal value) being called.