Ironside (2013 TV series)

Ironside is an American drama television series that premiered during the 2013–14 television season on NBC. It was a remake of the original television series Ironside, which ran from 1967 to 1975. It starred Blair Underwood as the title character, wheelchair-using cop Robert Ironside, the only character re-created from the original series. The remade "Ironside" was grittier and considerably more violent than the original, and the setting was changed from San Francisco to New York City.

Ironside (2013 TV series)

Ironside is an American drama television series that premiered during the 2013–14 television season on NBC. It was a remake of the original television series Ironside, which ran from 1967 to 1975. It starred Blair Underwood as the title character, wheelchair-using cop Robert Ironside, the only character re-created from the original series. The remade "Ironside" was grittier and considerably more violent than the original, and the setting was changed from San Francisco to New York City.