Iso suomen kielioppi

Iso suomen kielioppi (lit. "the large grammar of Finnish") is a reference book of Finnish grammar. It was published in 2004 by the Finnish Literature Society and to this date is the most extensive of its kind. It is a collaboration written by noted Finnish language scholars Auli Hakulinen, Maria Vilkuna, Riitta Korhonen, Vesa Koivisto, Tarja-Riitta Heinonen and Irja Alho. The 1,698 page book differs from earlier grammars by taking a descriptive approach and describing colloquial Finnish in addition to standard literary Finnish. The entire work is also freely available online.

Iso suomen kielioppi

Iso suomen kielioppi (lit. "the large grammar of Finnish") is a reference book of Finnish grammar. It was published in 2004 by the Finnish Literature Society and to this date is the most extensive of its kind. It is a collaboration written by noted Finnish language scholars Auli Hakulinen, Maria Vilkuna, Riitta Korhonen, Vesa Koivisto, Tarja-Riitta Heinonen and Irja Alho. The 1,698 page book differs from earlier grammars by taking a descriptive approach and describing colloquial Finnish in addition to standard literary Finnish. The entire work is also freely available online.