Isoetes caroliniana

Isoëtes caroliniana, common name Carolina quillwort, is a wetlands plant native to the mountains of Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. It is an emergent plant found in lakes and bogs. It is closely related to I. georgiana Luebke (the Georgia quillwort) but can be distinguished by its unpigmented sporangium wall. The two dots over the first e in the name indicate that the o and the e are two be pronounced in separate syllables. This is optional; either spelling is equally correct.

Isoetes caroliniana

Isoëtes caroliniana, common name Carolina quillwort, is a wetlands plant native to the mountains of Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia and West Virginia. It is an emergent plant found in lakes and bogs. It is closely related to I. georgiana Luebke (the Georgia quillwort) but can be distinguished by its unpigmented sporangium wall. The two dots over the first e in the name indicate that the o and the e are two be pronounced in separate syllables. This is optional; either spelling is equally correct.