Ja'fari jurisprudence

Jaʿfarī school of thought, Jaʿfarite School, Jaʿfarī jurisprudence or Jaʿfarī Fiqh is the school of jurisprudence of most Shi'a Muslims, derived from the name of Jaʿfar as-Ṣādiq, the 6th Shi'a Imam. This school of jurisprudence is followed by Twelvers in general and Isma'ilis in part, as well as a small minority of Zaidis.

Ja'fari jurisprudence

Jaʿfarī school of thought, Jaʿfarite School, Jaʿfarī jurisprudence or Jaʿfarī Fiqh is the school of jurisprudence of most Shi'a Muslims, derived from the name of Jaʿfar as-Ṣādiq, the 6th Shi'a Imam. This school of jurisprudence is followed by Twelvers in general and Isma'ilis in part, as well as a small minority of Zaidis.